Health Engineering and Health Operations
  • Workplace Injury and Healthcare Services in Adelaide

    Work is integral to providing purpose, meaning, a sense of community, well-being. Workplace injuries can be disruptive and destabilising. When it comes to getting back to work after injury, the independent practitioners aim to provide a tailored health service focused on quality and integrity, thus contributing to the safety and well-being of all concerned parties.
  • Pre-employment Medical and Functional Assessments

    Comprehensive pre-employment medical assessments, pre-placement and periodic medical assessments screen individuals for risk factors that may limit their ability to perform a job safely and effectively, thus creating a safer, more prosperous and productive workplace by reducing potential injuries and risk mitigation.
  • Employee Health Assessments

    An occupational health assessment is where the employer refers employees as part of a sickness absence management process. Workplace medical assessments are customised to accommodate specific job requirements within work environments.
  • Spirometry

  • Audiometry

  • Fitness Work Assessments

    A fitness work assessment test monitors and measures cardiovascular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. This assessment is used to quantify a person’s ability to perform certain work roles efficiently and effectively in line with their level of overall health.
  • Drug and Alcohol Screening

    Improper recreational drug and alcohol use in the workplace can present a serious risk to health, safety and workplace productivity. Studies indicate that inappropriate alcohol and drug use costs Australian workplaces approximately $6 billion per year in lost productivity. When incorporating a drug and alcohol screening program/policy, along with a workplace education program, a more health conscious, safe and productive workplace culture will follow.
  • Vaccinations

Provider Services

Work is integral to providing purpose, meaning, a sense of community, well-being. Workplace injuries can be disruptive and destabilising. When it comes to getting back to work after injury, the independent practitioners aim to provide a tailored health service focused on quality and integrity, thus contributing to the safety and well-being of all concerned parties.

A range of health professionals including Doctors, Physiotherapists, Psychologists and Occupational Therapists who pride themselves on their working relationships with employees, employers, insurers specialists and other industry affiliates, are located at the clinic.



Providers and their Services:


Injury management

The independent providers offer comprehensive injury management services that include initial treatment, timely treatment and management, prevention and return to work services. The experienced health professionals at the clinic liaise with all relevant providers to work towards a safe, sustainable and productive return to work outcome.


Same day injuries


Same day presentation of acute injuries are welcome.






Exercise physiologists


Occupational Therapists


Rehabilitation Gymnasium


The fully equipped in-house commercial gymnasium allows for the rehabilitation of injuries as well as for work hardening and conditioning. Supervised by Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists, patients will be managed individually with the latest in personalised treatment plans. The independent practitioners utilise mobile app software to facilitate patient out of clinic engagement and participation with detailed descriptions, diagrams and videos of their home exercise program.



Hydrotherapy has many benefits and is often used to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. It is often recommended to clients who have undergone surgeries and is a stepping-stone for injured workers to transition to a land-based exercise program. Hydrotherapy is an effective tool at enabling injured workers to engage in treatment earlier, thus enabling a swifter recovery.

On-site visits


Onsite visits allow the treatment providers to continue to familiarise themselves with workplaces and assist in determining appropriate workplace duties - allowing for a safer, more productive and expedient return to work.


Drug and alcohol screening


Pre-employment medical assessments


All pre and post-employment functional assessments use JTECH equipment and software. JTECH is regarded as the world's best assessment tools and physical assessment software. JTECH offers the best methods for objectively recording and documenting functional testing data thus improving the reliability, reproducibility, and accuracy of the data that is recorded.

The providers also perform medical assessments such as confined space medicals, periodic and exit medicals and medicals for high voltage workers.


Fit for work assessments


These are assessments to assist with determining capacity for a safe and sustainable return to work for both compensable and non-compensable injuries.


Commercial vehicle driver medicals and dangerous goods


Rail safety Worker Medicals






Serology as well as Vaccinations for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus and Influenza are offered at the clinic.




Health surveillance